Jul 17, 2012 – 人生 & 思考 – 人生  思考  梦想  故事   – Bai



有一对兄弟,他们的家住在 80 层楼上。有一天他们外出旅行回家,发现大楼停电了!虽然他们背着大包的行李,但看来没有什么别的选择,于是哥哥对弟弟说,我们就爬楼梯上去!于是,他们背着两大包行李开始爬楼梯。爬到 20 楼的时候他们开始累了,哥哥说“包包太重了,不如这样吧,我们把包包放在这里,等来电后坐电梯来拿。”于是,他们把行李放在了 20 楼,轻松多了,继续向上爬。

他们有说有笑地往上爬,但是好景不长,到了 40 楼,两人实在累了。想到还只爬了一半,两人开始互相埋怨,指责对方不注意大楼的停电公告,才会落得如此下场。他们边吵边爬,就这样一路爬到了 60 楼。到了 60 楼,他们累得连吵架的力气也没有了。弟弟对哥哥说,“我们不要吵了,爬完它吧。”于是他们默默地继续爬楼,终于 80 楼到了!兴奋地来到家门口兄弟俩才发现他们的钥匙留在了 20 楼的包包里了。



Jun 25, 2012 – 人生 & 思考 – 人生  人物   – Albert Einstein


How strange is the lot of us mortals! Each of us is here for a brief sojourn; for what purpose he knows not, though he sometimes thinks he senses it. But without deeper reflection one knows from daily life that one exists for other people – first of all for those upon whose smiles and well-being our own happiness is wholly dependent, and then for the many, unknown to us, to whose destinies we are bound by the ties of sympathy. A hundred times every day I remind myself that my inner and outer life are based on the labors of other men, living and dead, and that I must exert myself in order to give in the same measure as I have received and am still receiving…

I have never looked upon ease and happiness as ends in themselves – this critical basis I call the ideal of a pigsty. The ideals that have lighted my way, and time after time have given me new courage to face life cheerfully, have been Kindness, Beauty, and Truth. Without the sense of kinship with men of like mind, without the occupation with the objective world, the eternally unattainable in the field of art and scientific endeavors, life would have seemed empty to me. The trite objects of human efforts – possessions, outward success, luxury – have always seemed to me contemptible.



Jun 21, 2012 – 职场 & 工作 – 工作  职业   – Bret Stephens


Dear Class of 2012:

Allow me to be the first one not to congratulate you. Through exertions that—let’s be honest—were probably less than heroic, most of you have spent the last few years getting inflated grades in useless subjects in order to obtain a debased degree. Now you’re entering a lousy economy, courtesy of the very president whom you, as freshmen, voted for with such enthusiasm. Please spare us the self-pity about how tough it is to look for a job while living with your parents. They’re the ones who spent a fortune on your education only to get you back— return-to-sender, forwarding address unknown.

No doubt some of you have overcome real hardships or taken real degrees. A couple of years ago I hired a summer intern from West Point. She came to the office directly from weeks of field exercises in which she kept a bulletproof vest on at all times, even while sleeping. She writes brilliantly and is as self-effacing as she is accomplished. Now she’s in Afghanistan fighting the Taliban.



Apr 08, 2012 – 休闲 & 娱乐 – 游戏   – Bai

童年的回忆:淘金者(Lode Runner)



经典的红白机游戏有很多,超级玛丽、魂斗罗、坦克大战、雷雨、拳皇……当然,这些也都是我喜欢的游戏,不过要细数我最爱的游戏,那还得数 Lode Runner。



Jan 08, 2012 – 休闲 & 娱乐 – 电影  励志   – Bai




  • 英文名:3 idiots
  • 中文名:《三傻大闹宝莱坞》
  • 制片地区:印度
  • 类型:励志,爱情,大学,戏剧



  1. 不要被太多的条条框框所束缚,只要不触犯法律及道德的底线,什么都可以尝试。
  2. 要敢于也要善于挑战权威。
  3. 书本只是传授知识的载体,没必要将它看的很重,更没必要爱不释手,珍藏如金,有了书就要将其转化为自己的知识,自己的能力。正如电影中所说:“一种记录,分析,总结,组织,讨论和解释信息的,有插图或无插图的硬装或平装的,加套或不加套的, 包含有前言 介绍 目录表 索引的用以增长知识,加深理解的 提升并教育人类大脑的装置该装置需要视觉,有时候触碰的感官形式使用”“简单点!”“书!”。和《风雨哈佛路》中那位老师的观点一致:书本就是他人的观点,并不代表自己的观点。只可用来参考,并结合实际将其转化为自己内在的东西。
  4. 跟随自己内心的快乐行动,不要后悔。


Dec 21, 2011 – 健康 & 运动 – 健康   – Bai


近期总感觉困乏无力,没精打采,记忆力减退,郁闷之极。偶然间发现了早前的一篇关于手机辐射的文章,突然感觉似乎找到了问题的答案,因此,搜集资料,整理如下,希望对自己的身体健康有所帮助,同时也给 Peers 们一点警醒和帮助。

众所周知,现如今手机已成为现代人的必备用品,而且手机几乎还从早到晚贴身跟着主人:白天,男士多挂在腰间,放在裤兜或胸前口袋;女士则多拿在手上,挂于胸 前或放在手袋。晚上,很多人还把手机放在床头当闹钟用。不过,在享受手机带来的方便的同时,你应该设法减低手机对健康的伤害!

25 岁的姜小姐洗脸时感觉到右边耳垂附近有鼓包,而且比较硬,但当时没在意,过两个月后包越来越大,这才来医院检查。医生确诊此为腮腺肿瘤。


